<90's office of police station>
Future retroをコンセプトに「90年代の探偵オフィス」というテーマで自主製作を行ったもの。古めかしく無骨なシルエットのコンピュータを現代らしい色どりで再現し、どこにも見たことがない、けれども懐かしさを感じられる絵作りを心掛けた。
モニター、キーボード等はMaya、小物類をBlenderでモデリング。2D 画像はMidjourneyで生成した。リアリティを追求すべく、人物の癖や利き手による物品の配置の偏りなどにこだわった。
ソフト:Blender, Maya,Substance Painter,Midjourney

<90's office of police station>
This is a self-produced work based on the theme of “Detective office in the 90's
” under the concept of “Future retro”. I tried to reproduce a computer with an old-fashioned, rugged silhouette in a modern color scheme, and to create a picture that was unlike anything I had ever seen before, yet still evoked a sense of nostalgia.
The monitor, keyboard, etc. were modeled in Maya, the accessories in Blender, and the 2D images were generated in Midjourney. In pursuit of realism, I paid close attention to the habits of the people and the uneven placement of objects depending on their dominant hand.
Production time: About 2 weeks
Software: Blender, Maya, Substance Painter, Midjourney
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