Usable Software:
 Blender, Zbrush, Maya,Substance Painter, Plasticity, Photoshop
Object Modeling
<90's office of police station>
Future retroをコンセプトに「90年代の警察署オフィス」というテーマで自主製作を行ったもの。古めかしく無骨なシルエットのコンピュータを現代らしい色どりで再現し、どこにも見たことがない、けれども懐かしさを感じられる絵作りを心掛けた。
モニター、キーボード等はMaya、小物類をBlenderでモデリング。2D 画像はMidjourneyで生成した。リアリティを追求すべく、人物の癖や利き手による物品の配置の偏りなどにこだわった。
ソフト:Blender, Maya,Substance Painter,Midjourney

<90's office of police station>
This is a self-produced work based on the theme of “90's office of police station” under the concept of “Future retro”. I tried to reproduce a computer with an old-fashioned, rugged silhouette in a modern color scheme, and to create a picture that was unlike anything I had ever seen before, yet still evoked a sense of nostalgia.
The monitor, keyboard, etc. were modeled in Maya, the accessories in Blender, and the 2D images were generated in Midjourney. In pursuit of realism, I paid close attention to the habits of the people and the uneven placement of objects depending on their dominant hand.
Production time: About 2 weeks
Software: Blender, Maya, Substance Painter, Midjourney

ソフト:Blender, Substance Painter

<Daily Project>
I set myself the task of working through modeling to rendering in one day after work and worked on it.
Production period: June 2023-.

ソフト:Blender,Substance Painter,Premiere Pro

A 3D video was created based on the concept of a sword smith shop in Kyoto at the end of the Edo period.
Tools such as bellows and tongs were modeled based on materials. The layout of the blacksmith shop was based on photographs of the "Manno Kaji Hut," where visitors can experience blacksmithing without relying on machines even today.

Other modeling samples.
Software: Blender,Maya
Character Modeling​​​​​​​

Software: Blender​​​​​​​, Zbrush,SubstancePainter
<プロジェクト EQIV>


<Project EQIV>
This is a video project that I worked on as a personal production.
I wanted to depict a world where the traditions of the Tohoku region, where I lived at the time, and the machines of the near future were fused together.
I also worked on writing for the story, but I was too busy with my medical school internship, so I gave up in the middle of the project.

Production Period: January - February 2018
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